User testing

User testing: a primer

A truly user-centred product involves users throughout the design process. User testing helps us to understand how users accomplish goals, to analyse and question behaviour and to validate solutions continuously. Where analytics platforms tell us if and where a problem exists, user testing helps us identify why.

"What people say, what people do, and what they say they do are entirely different things." Margaret Mead, Cultural Anthropologist
User-centric testing

Successful digital products are user-centric

We employ research techniques to benchmark product performance and determine areas of satisfaction or frustration. From the user testing process, we discover what features are important to users and where designs can be improved and adapted. Speaking with users  helps our product teams to identify and remedy design issues. Conduct’s UXers design around genuine user needs by introducing user research early. User testing is a valuable component of our design sprints. Key benefits include: understanding user expectations and how users complete tasks in real time.

Lean user research

Lean user research

At Conduct, our motto is ‘just enough research’. We test enough to shape a product that meet users needs, but not so much that we get lost in discussion about interpretation. It’s about gaining maximum insight for minimum effort.

Deep dive into your audience’s behaviour and uncover opportunities to enhance the user experience.

Start a conversation about user research

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3/29 Cromwell St,
Collingwood VIC 3066
1300 368 277


55 Brisbane Street,
Surry Hills NSW 2010
1300 368 277